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Pohřben za živa
Syrského aktivistu pohřbili zaživa, nářky a prosby o milost mu nepomohly.
Video / Zbytky

03.05.2012, 23:31
Kedy Asad zmizne z úradu prezidenta Sýrie?

29.04.2012, 14:02
podla mna je podpalenie za ziva vacsia muka, ale zatial najkrutejsia smrt o ktorej som počul, bola robena asi v japonsku alebo v čine nejaky panovnik si dal postavit na namestie sochu zelezneho duteho byka, do toho byka napchal vzdy nejakych zradcov zmestili sa tam asi traja a pod brucho rozpalili ohen a ti typci sa tam pomaly piekli zaziva v tom bykovi, najlepsie je ze ten byk mal taky system ze ked kvičali mukami tak ten byk vydaval taky zvuk ako keby bučal, mal taku trubicu zvnutra specialnu, cize to ani neznelo ze tam skapinaju a kvičia ludia, to je krute a nie toto

29.04.2012, 02:00
jeste zalejt a treba vyroste fazole

27.04.2012, 19:22
atom na to

27.04.2012, 15:34
O jednoho akbara míň. Jedině dobře.

27.04.2012, 11:16
smejdi jedni

27.04.2012, 11:05
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL chcíplá syrská nudle může být ráda, že měla pořádnej zdokumentovanej pohřeb, po smrti takovýho nuzáka by jinak ani pes neštěkl

27.04.2012, 10:52
toto bolo na nete:
Mexican Chainsaw Beheading Used in Anti Assad Propaganda
LOL, you have got to see this quick cause that is just uber precious to miss. Fake Syrian Army, the Zionists’ paid movie studio collecting fat paychecks in exchange for production of propaganda videos used to brainwash the sheep into believing that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is a bad guy has pushed their stupidity to a whole new level. Now, I understand that to your average sheep this would look repulsive, but Fake Syrian Army fails to understand that here at Best Gore, we’re not the sheep and we know where many graphic videos came from.
YouTube user antal7nan who has dozens of FSA propaganda videos posted on his channel just posted a notorious video of Narco beheading by chainsaw from Mexico with this title:
قطع رقاب اهل السنه بالمنشار
If you paste it into your favorite online translator, you’ll get something like this (Google Translate spit this translation out):
Cut the throats of the Sunnis saw
So yeah, Fake Syrian Army wants the sheep to believe that evil dictator Bashar al-Assad is ordering his henchmen to cut throats of Sunni civilians with a chainsaw. You gotta go quick to this YouTube link to have the laugh of your life:
Because the sheep will soon complain to YouTube that we once again busted FSA for the tools that they are, the video will be taken down so go there quickly. If I did not see that with my own eyes, I would never believe. Fake Syrian Army has reached a whole new low.
Fake Syrian Army utilizes the fact that the chainsaw beheading video never lasted on any popular social network so most sheep would not be familiar with it. That’s why they chose it for propaganda. The terrorists have been using this strategy right from the start of their genocide camouflaged as revolution. There have been many instance of Sunnis digging out videos most may not recognize and recycling them with propaganda rhetoric – such as this video of a gas leak explosion they used recently.
Because chainsaw beheading video contains dialogues in Mexican Spanish, before distributing it, the terrorists edited the audio to remove spoken word. In order for the propaganda to work with as many sheep as possible, dozens of fake YouTube accounts were used to post it. At this point, there really should be no issue finding one – just look for the title in Arabic as I posted above.
Videos also come with description which reads the following:
حقد المجوس على اخواننا اهل السنه في سوريا
الى متى السكوت يا حكام المسلمين .. ماذا تنتظرون
انا لله وانا اليه لراجعون
Google Translate says it means the following:
Magi on our hatred of the Sunnis in Syria
How long silence, O rulers of the Muslims. What do you expect
I am God and to him we shall return

27.04.2012, 00:02
během vývoje lidských kultur existuje mnoho druhů pohřbení zesnulých. prdelí k severu, hlavou na západ, skrčení, svázaní, zatíženi kamenem , na levém boku, na pravém boku, ale až tohle jednou vykope nějaký archeolog, to bude asi dlouho dumat, proč je tahle chcíplá nudle ve stoje...

26.04.2012, 22:53
keby tolko nekecal a šetril si dych
mozno by sa vladal aj z toho vyhrabat, mali mu dat pred tym do ruky aspon malu lopatku do piesku

26.04.2012, 22:24
....kurva ako taky clovek moze vecer zaspat ??? s ty, ze nekomu zapricinil take muky ??

26.04.2012, 21:45
Tohle je snad nejkrutejsi smrt.Nikomu bych tohle nepral.Dnes sem o presne tomhle cetl.

26.04.2012, 21:26
Dost hnusná smrt.

26.04.2012, 21:12
konečně humálnější přístup.Tohle bych udělal s těmai aktivisty u nás kteří se poutají ke stromům

26.04.2012, 20:45
lol jak mu dosly argumenty ke konci

26.04.2012, 20:03
syrska vláda slybila ze za každáho zabitýho aktivistu ,vysází sto novejch

26.04.2012, 19:54
zdá sa to iba mne alebo už fakt celémmu svetu jebe??

26.04.2012, 19:37
aktivista až za hrob
26.04.2012, 19:31
Dobre mu tak jen allah vi co proved ksindl..

26.04.2012, 19:30
presne takto by som si vychutnaval nahodne odchyteneho cigána, to by bola paráda