
03/04/2017, 20:41
08/02/2010, 15:17
Uživatelova videa:
Luckily his friends were there to take off his shirt and rub his stomach. Nothing brings you back from a coma quicker then a sudden dose of blatant homosexuality.
In his defense, she smelled suspiciously like tuna.
When you go up against a guy who is totally oblivious to the concept of "attacking", this is what happens.
Zase ty americania.
No hadajte kto
..no coment
Asia svetadiel neobmedzenych idiotov:D
a na slobodu sa dostalo nemale mnozstvo zlocincov
Vraj okradol a napadol taxikara
Uz aby al kaida nechala vybuchnut Biely dom lebo sa mladez nudi a nevie co robit.
Oh my god that nigger got punch
Ale ziju..
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